Maize Meal Porridge

South African soft Maize Porridge is a bowl of comfort passed down from generation to generation.




COOK TIME 30mins


  • 200g Maize Meal
  • 500ml Water
  • 1 pinch of Salt
  • 2 Tbsp Huletts Brown Sugar
  • 2 tsp Unsalted Butter
  • 125ml Full Cream Milk
  • 2 Tbsp Cream


  1. Bring the water to a rapid boil in a medium sized pot on the stove top.
  2. In a separate bowl mix about half of the water into the porridge, stirring until you get a smooth paste.
  3. Reduce the heat of the boiling water in the pot and add the paste to the boiling water, gradually, whisking constantly.
  4. Let the porridge bubble and cook at a low heat whisking intermittently for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  5. Stir in half of the sugar and all of the milk.
  6. Plate the porridge into two bowls, top each one with brown sugar, butter and a drizzle of fresh cream.


Absolutely delicious

3 September 2024

This is and always will be the most delicious method. You don’t even have to add the cream and milk if you don’t have. It’s still delicious. I add more sugar and butter as it’s my personal preference.



27 September 2023

Absolutely divine


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Conversion Table

Cups Tablespoons Grams
Butter 1/4 cup 4 Tbsp 57g
1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp 76g
1 cup 16 Tbsp 227g
Flour/Sifted 1/4 cup 4 Tbsp 30g/27g
1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp 40g/35g
1/2 cup 8 Tbsp 60g/55g
1 cup 16 Tbsp 120g/110g
Granulated Sugar 1/4 cup 4 Tbsp 50g
1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp 65g
1/2 cup 8 Tbsp 100g
1 cup 16 Tbsp 200g
Brown Sugar/ Firmly Packed 1/4 cup 4 Tbsp 45g
1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp 60g
1/2 cup 8 Tbsp 90g
1 cup 16 Tbsp 180g
Water 1/4 cup 4 Tbsp 57g
1/3 cup 5 Tbsp + 1 tsp 76g
1/2 cup 8 Tbsp 114g
1 cup 16 Tbsp 227g