Tongaat Hulett’s ongoing commitment to making a difference in communities shines through.
Last year, the team embarked on an important awareness campaign across primary schools in Obizo, focusing on the importance of safety around sugarcane farming activities. This year, Huletts took another step forward by renovating the Obizo Community Hall, and on April 16th, we visited three schools within the community to deliver sports kits to talented learners.

At Ndodwana Primary School, we were met with radiant smiles and eager faces. Seeing the learners wearing their new sporting kits filled our hearts with pride. With the unwavering support of Huletts behind them, these learners are destined to achieve greatness. Their song of appreciation reminded the team of the profound impact of Growing A Sweet Future initiatives.

Delivering sports skits to the learners at Cebekhulu Primary School, was also an unforgettable experience. The kits instilled confidence, unity, and a sense of teamwork among the children. As their excitement unfolded, we were also reminded of the immense potential that lies within each child, and we are honoured to be part of their journey to greatness.

Our stop at Obizo Combined School, was just as special. The learners and teachers welcomed the team with open arms. We were honoured to hand over their new kits and look forward to seeing the children participate in school tournaments, and chase their dreams with great determination.

Each school was chosen with the aim of growing a sweet future for the people of Obizo. The learners in these schools are now equipped to embark on their journey towards excellence, both on and off the field. As we look ahead, our commitment to #GrowingASweetFuture remains steadfast, guiding us towards a brighter tomorrow for the communities that make this work possible.