In line with our mission to champion sustainability and support local farmers, Tongaat Hulett partnered with the government, traditional leadership councils, farmers and communities to accelerate socio-economic transformation in various rural communities. Through this initiative, a number of schools were identified to be a part of this massive programme.

The beneficiary schools were chosen through our small-scale grower office, where they identified deserving schools by looking at school enrolment, unemployment rate and attachment to a sugarcane project in the community.

Tongaat Hulett, with the support of the principals and coordinating educators, identified two schools and 50 learners from socially and economically challenged backgrounds. A full set of school uniforms comprising of shirts, pants, dresses, ties, jerseys and school shoes were handed to 25 learners from Lethimfundo Primary School (in Macekane) and 25 learners from Mcabango High School (Esikhawini).

School children given uniforms etc as charity.

This initiative doesn’t end here for Tongaat Hulett as we continue to take a stand on issues that impact our communities in positive ways. As such, Tongaat Hulett is in the process of finalising orders for a total of 200 beneficiaries that are to receive school uniforms and school shoes.

This is just another way that we are Growing a Sweet Future, by giving learners school uniforms to restore their dignity and impact their lives in positive ways.

Want to get involved? The schools have a list of learners from socially-challenged backgrounds whom they keep on their database should donations be made available to the school.

You can contact Snethemba Kunene <[email protected]> for more information

One thought on “Empowering the youth – #GrowingASweetFuture

  1. Justicia Qalaba says:

    Huletts is doing great work in uplifting the school community. Job well done.

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